Case Status: Victory

Dale v. Boy Scouts of America

After the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that the Boy Scouts may not exclude homosexuals from leadership positions, the Scouts were forced to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court to protect their First Amendment rights.

Case Status: Settled on favorable terms

U.S. v. New York City Board of Education

Since 2000, the Center for Individual Rights has represented a group of New York City schools custodial engineers in a landmark challenge to efforts by the federal government to retroactively redistribute employment seniority on the…

Case Status: Victory. After CIR's victory in U.S. v. Morrision, complaint dismissed on July 18, 2000.

Burgess v. Cahall

Successfully defended a company official against charges of sexual harassment. Challenging 1994 Violence Against Women Act as unconstitutional...

Case Status: Victory

Reno v. Bossier Parish School District

The Center for Individual Rights successfully challenged the DOJ's use of the Voting Rights Act to racially gerrymander voting districts in a Louisiana school district...

Case Status: Victory

Reno v. Bossier Parish Fact Sheet

Supreme Court decides voting rights case On January 24, 2000, the Supreme Court agreed with CIR that the Department of Justice may not deny pre-clearance to local redistricting plans that maintain minority voting strength, even…

Case Status: Loss. U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit affirmed district court ruling granting defendants' motion for summary judgement.

Miami University Wrestling Club v. Miami University of Ohio

CIR challenged the elimination of men's athletic teams to achieve parity in participation and spending on men's and women's teams...

Case Status: Settled. University of Minnesota agreed to abolish female-only pay raises and distribute salary equitably.

Maitland v. University of Minnesota

CIR challenged a 1989 consent decree whereby the University of Minnesota agreed to distribute $3 million to female faculty members to remedy alleged gender disparities in salary...

Case Status: Settled by stipulation filed July 6, 1999.

Hampton v. National Research Group

CIR filed an amicus brief urging the California Supreme Court to overturn a ruling that discussion of sexual themes in writers' meetings for the television show 'Friends' created a hostile work environment and is not…

Case Status: Victory

Jacobs v. Independent School District No. 625

The Center for Individual Rights filed a federal lawsuit challenging a racial preference policy that left available classroom seats unfilled in order to achieve the district’s desired racial balance...

Case Status: Victory

CUC v. Oliver: Fact Sheet

Supreme Court denies review of school funding decision The U.S. Supreme Court announced on June 14 that it will not accept for review Columbia Union College’s appeal of a lower court order requiring an investigation…

Case Status: Partial Win: The Supreme Court struck down the UM undergraduate admissions system but upheld the law school system.

Gratz v. Bollinger; Grutter v. Bollinger

CIR filed two lawsuits challenging the use of racial preferences at the University of Michigan and the University of Michigan law school...

Case Status: Victory. Case settled prior to trial.

Turner v. Browner

Cir challenged an agency-wide affirmative action plan maintained by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency...

Case Status: Partial Victory. District court judge modified scholarship to include applicants of any race.

Tompkins v. Alabama State University

The Center for Individual Rights agreed to represent Mr. Jessie Tompkins, a graduate student at Alabama State University, in his lawsuit challenging court mandated all-white scholarships at the historically black university...

Case Status: Loss

Smith v. University of Washington

CIR's 1997 lawsuit challenging racial preferences at the University of Washington on behalf of several law school applicants including Katuria Smith. Smith grew up in poverty, with an alcoholic father and step-father, and struggled through…

Case Status: Victory

Doe v. Department of Health and Human Services

CIR successfully challenged the unconstitutional exclusion of "Michelle Doe," a sixteen year old high school girl, from a "minorities-only" summer study program solely because of her race...

Case Status: Victory

Coalition for Economic Equity v. Wilson

In 1996, the Center for Individual Rights intervened in a lawsuit to defend the results of a popular vote on Proposition 209, the California Civil Rights Initiative, which prohibited the use of racial and gender…

Case Status: Victory. Morrison is one of the defining Commerce Clause precedents of the decade.

U.S. v. Morrison

CIR defended a student athlete in a civil suit against ill-founded charges of rape. The case successfully challenged portions of 1994 Violence Against Women Act as unconstitutional exercise of Congress's authority under the Commerce Clause…

Case Status: Victory

Columbia Union College v. Oliver

CUC, a small four-year college with about 600 students, had been denied a public grant by the state of Maryland because its Seventh-day Adventist composition made it "pervasively sectarian." Or, in plain English, CUC was…

Case Status: Settled on terms favorable to CIR's client

DynaLantic Corp. v. Department of Defense

CIR successfully represented a small Long Island company whose ability to compete (and even stay in business) was hobbled by the federal government's extensive use of race preferences in awarding government contracts...

Case Status: Loss. Petition for Writ of Certiorari denied on June 29, 2000.

Boulahanis v. Board of Regents, Illinois State University

CIR challenged the elimination of Illinois State men's athletic teams to achieve identical rates of participation and spending on men's and women's teams, regardless of interest levels...