Case Status: Loss.

Nix v. Holder

Constitutional challenge to Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1964 on behalf of group of Kinston, NC citizens...

Case Status: Victory. The Court held that the trial court’s termination of the father’s rights was clear error.

Department of Human Services re Zoey and Lyric Mays v. Phillips

CIR filed an amicus brief before the Michigan Supreme Court on behalf of Wali Phillips, a Michigan father whose parental rights were terminated without any finding that he was an unfit parent...

Case Status: Successfully closed. The Maryland case was dismissed, the Pennsylvania case was settled, O'Keefe entered into a plea agreement in the New Orleans case, and the California case was settled.

Vera v. O'Keefe

CIR successfully defended James O’Keefe, who was sued in three different states for recording conversations with ACORN officials under state laws that make it illegal to record a conversation without the consent of the other…

Case Status: Vacated and remanded. The case was moot because the child was nearly 18 and had moved, and the appropriate disposition was to vacate the part of the court of appeals' opinion that addressed the Fourth Amendment issue.

Camreta v. Greene

CIR filed an amicus brief supporting the mother of a child who was seized at school without parental consent in a suit against a social worker and county sheriff...

Case Status: Victory. Shortly after filing suit, county officials agreed to settle the case on terms favorable to the Raykins.

Raykin v. Arapahoe County Department of Human Services

CIR sued the Arapahoe County Department of Human Services and several employees when they seized Joshua Raykin and kept him from his family for over a week based on unsubstantiated abuse claims...

Case Status: Victory. Case settled on favorable terms

Project Vote v. MonCrief

CIR represented Anita MonCrief, a former employee of Project Vote, a subsidiary of ACORN. After she left Project Vote in 2008, Ms. MonCrief became a vocal critic of both organizations. In 2009, Project Vote filed…

Case Status: Victory. While the case was pending in the Third Circuit, the plaintiff agreed to settle the case on terms favorable to our client.

Wolk v. Olson

When attorney Ted Frank posted a blog entry on a legal reform website, he had no way of knowing that he would one day be sued in an effort to punish him for his spirited…

Case Status: Victory. Case settled on favorable terms.

Waltz v. Brumfield

The Center for Individual Rights filed suit against several officials of the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing on behalf of California resident Julie Waltz, alleging that state officials used a housing discrimination investigation…

Case Status: Victory. City agreed to eliminate racial quota.

Rau and Katapadi v. NYC Dept. of Ed.

CIR filed a class action lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York challenging the use of separate, lower admissions standards for white students at prestigious Mark Twain Intermediate School,…

Case Status: Victory. Case settled on favorable terms.

Ng v. New York City Dept. of Education

CIR filed a class action lawsuit challenging the New York City Department of Education ’s policy of excluding Asian American and white students from a test preparation course because of their race...

Case Status: Loss. Supreme Court ruled that schools may restrict speech supporting illegal drug use.

Morse v. Frederick

CIR filed an amicus brief in this important free speech case concerning the authority of school officials to punish high school students for speech they deem contrary to the mission or work of the school,…

Case Status: Case withdrawn when state schools agreed to implement new amendment.

Russell v. Brandon

CIR asks state court to order schools to follow Prop. 2 The Center for Individual Rights has filed a classaction lawsuit in the Circuit Court for Washtenaw County, MI, on behalf of Eric Russell and…

Case Status: Victory

Operation King's Dream v. Ward Connerly

The Center for Individual Rights represented the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative (MCRI) against a last-minute effort by opponents to keep it off the November 2006 ballot by challenging its legality under the federal Voting Rights…

Case Status: Victory

Rumsfeld v. FAIR

CIR submitted an amicus brief to the United States Supreme Court urging it to uphold the Solomon Amendment, which requires colleges and universities to provide equal access to military recruiters as a condition of receiving…

Case Status: Victory. New York appellate court ordered immediate reinstatement.

McConnell v. Le Moyne College

In 2005, CIR filed suit against Le Moyne College in Syracuse, New York, for removing a graduate student in education solely because of the point of view he expressed in a paper...

Case Status: Loss by jury verdict at conclusion of trial.

Mueller v. Auker: Chronology

October 25, 2012Appeal for Rehearing Denied The Ninth Circuit denied CIR’s appeal on behalf of Corissa and Eric Mueller. CIR Appeals to Defend Family Medical RightsCIR filed a petition for rehearing…

Case Status: Loss by jury verdict at conclusion of trial.

Mueller v. Auker, et al.

CIR's case on behalf of Eric and Corissa Mueller attempted to strengthen constitutional protections against the arbitrary authority of child protection personnel to seize custody of a minor child over a dispute between the parents…

Case Status: Victory: All IRS subpoenas withdrawn

Hendrickson v. U.S.; Hart v. U.S.

CIR defended two authors who had published books that were critical of the IRS and US tax code after the IRS launched costly invasive investigations in response to their work...