Current Cases
Case Status: Pending
Federal Courts Push Education Policy Through Title IX
July 29th 2024MK v. Pearl River County School District.
Case Status: Cert Petition Pending
Alaska’s Power Grab Threatens Family’s Access to Home
June 27th 2024Fiehler v. Mecklenburg.
Case Status: Pending
Federal Reporting Law Threatens Privacy of 32 Million Small Business Owners
May 28th 2024Texas Top Cop Shop, Et Al. v. Merrick Garland, Et Al.
Past Cases
Case Status: Case resolved on other grounds
U.S. v. Miller
August 16th 2012CIR is representing Kathryn Miller, an Amish woman appealing her conviction for the federal "hate crime" of participating in the forcible cutting of the beards and hair of other Amish for religious reasons. CIR contends that Congress lacks the authority under the Commerce Clause to prosecute purely instate conduct (such as assault) unless the crime involves some connection with interstate commerce...
Case Status: Victory. After CIR's victory in U.S. v. Morrision, complaint dismissed on July 18, 2000.
Burgess v. Cahall
February 29th 2000Successfully defended a company official against charges of sexual harassment. Challenging 1994 Violence Against Women Act as unconstitutional...
Case Status: Victory. Morrison is one of the defining Commerce Clause precedents of the decade.
U.S. v. Morrison
July 26th 1996CIR defended a student athlete in a civil suit against ill-founded charges of rape. The case successfully challenged portions of 1994 Violence Against Women Act as unconstitutional exercise of Congress's authority under the Commerce Clause and Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment...